Want to get ‘Joost’?
You want to jump into for the beta test of the next generation TV aggregating service? 2 more available…
You want to jump into for the beta test of the next generation TV aggregating service? 2 more available…
Experts discuss how the net is changing entertainment and news gathering in the Participation Age. Nice visionary summary with statements from Andrew and other drivers of particapatory culture. Check it out!
Michael Arrington of Techcrunch investigates Web 2.0 for it´s bubble characteristics, interviewing startup CEOs and executives.
Participants are Aaron Cohen (Bolt),
Scott Milener and Steven Lurie (Browster),
Keith Teare (edgeio),
Steven Marder (Eurekster),
Joe Kraus (JotSpot),
Jeremy Verba (Piczo),
Auren Hoffman (Rapleaf),
Chris Alden (Rojo),
Gautam Godhwani (Simply Hired),
Jonathan Abrams (Socializr),
David Sifry (Technorati),
Matt Sanchez (Video Egg)
and Michael Tanne (Wink).
Here´s the piece (perfect chance to give a try to Brightcove)