Life happens. Remotes come up. News happens.

Broadcast,Generation: X,Interactive — Nikolaus Reinelt @ 11:03

Wired News berichtet über CNN´s Programminnovation "Situation Room". Ein Programm das seine wesentlichen Grundelemente – Zuschauereinbindung, Content-Sourcing, Themenausrichtung – mit dem von eyetag mitentwickelten Programmkonzept "Truth Council" teilt. Schön, wenn andere Gedanklich ähnliche Wege gehen.
Nur so, durch viele kleine oder große Ideen ähnlicher Zielsetzung in unterschiedlichsten Ebenen einer Branche, kann eine echte Marktentwicklung stattfinden. Wenn das dann auch noch bei CNN, dem Primus der Nachrichtenberichterstattung, geschieht, gibt das einem natürlich ein gutes Gefühl.
Auf jeden Fall ein passender Anlaß, sich des Themas mal wieder anzunehmen!

Ist das die Zukunft der interaktiven Medien?

Generation: X,Interactive — Nikolaus Reinelt @ 9:09

Aus den Wired News von heute:

"Imagine watching a football game on a TV that not only shows the players in three dimensions but also lets you experience the smells of the stadium and maybe even pat a player on the back. Japan plans to make this futuristic television a commercial reality by 2020 as part of a broad national project that will bring together researchers from the government, technology companies and academia. The targeted "virtual reality" television would allow people to view high-definition images in 3-D from any angle, in addition to being able to touch and smell the objects being projected upward from a screen parallel to the floor. While companies, universities and research institutes around the world have made some progress on reproducing 3-D images suitable for TV, developing the technologies to create the sensations of touch and smell could prove the most challenging. Researchers are looking into ultrasound, electric stimulation and wind pressure as potential technologies for touch."

Milano Merits

Generation: X,Knowledge,Studies — Nikolaus Reinelt @ 19:58

Just came back from Milan two days ago, where a curricular seminar on organizational behaviour and business strategy was taking place. Beside the core learning of basic truths to organizational design and group processes, it was especially interesting to hear some insights in how to manage a knowledge management project. Basically what this weblog reflects is not more as what is said through the simplified term where all knowledge projects derive from:
Intellectual Capital = Human Capital + Structural Capital
To aggregate explicit knowledge out of this and utilize those abstract values, one has to engage in methods as socialization of the intellectual capital, the interplay between internalization and externalization of human and structural capital. Furthermore the structural knowledge employed in the system should then be multiplied through the process of combination, as the theory calls it.
Most striking to me was that it´s more or less 85% of tacit knowledge, that exists in every group or corporation, whereas only 15% is made explicit. Consequently (I assume) it should be even more for a single indvidual.
So, finally i found a first theoretical glue for why I´m doing what I do here…

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