Dominant provocative operation

Broadcast,Generation: X,Interactive — Nikolaus Reinelt @ 20:35

While doing some research on possible business models for the fast growing phenomena of Vlogging, I found the guys at Vlogger Blogsite ‘We are the Mediadiscussing about this topic. They covered almost all commonly used sources of income, including donations, sponsorships or premium content models. Except – guess what – advertising. In some way, this neglecting of the use of advertising based revenue models reminds me of the dominant logic concept, coming from the corporate field. I´m well aware, that ad-spoiled content stands opposite to the basic beliefs of democratic, grass-root entertainment and media. And i fully admire the creativeness of all active Vloggers. They are absolutely right by searching for new ways of recouping their spending plus getting something more out of the whole thing. Doing so, they try to go their way, using their own alternative approaches (the Provocative Operation (PO) is just perfect for that). But why exclude a proven and learned business model right from the scratch (okay, apart from one ‘provocative’ attempt over there by Chuck)?
The big lack in ad-based financing nowadays is flooding the consumers with more than 2000 sales messages a day, whilst most of them are definitley low involved. This is where the opportunity for individualized media lies in. Realizing the full power of bi-directional communication by bringing attention do advertising messages their audience could be interested in. Of course in this environment one has to act thoughtful and take more resopnsibility for the promotions deployed. But I think this is obvious to everyone in this environment. It will quickly turn against you, when you disregard your viewers´ will on that. Rocketboom´s auction of a short, rocketboomish closing ad just made a good example on what you can do, without overstraining the attention capacity to much.
Combined with all the other proposed actions, put together in a decent mixture it will make this cocktail a burner.

The end of TV. As we know it.

Broadcast,Generation: X,Interactive — Nikolaus Reinelt @ 15:26

Following this study by IBM, tv market in future will be polarized between passive usage and indidualized, multichanneled narrowcasting. Not a tremendously new perception, but a interesting fact, that more and more studies hit the same tone (eg. see here or here). Also they give some basic strategic suggestions for executives to adapt to this trend:

Segment: Invest in divergent strategies and supply chains for bimodal consumer types. Identify, develop and continually refine data-driven user profiles in order to optimize product and service development, distribution, marketing messaging, and service migration. Tailor content, advertising, pricing and reach dynamically.

Innovate: Innovate business and pricing models by creating – not resisting – wider consumer choice with windows, bundles, pricing and distribution. Take risks today to avoid losing position long-term.

Experiment: Develop, trial, refine, roll-out. Repeat. Conduct ongoing market experiments alone and with partners to study “real life” consumer preferences. Invest in new measurement systems and metrics for the on demand world of tomorrow.

Mobilize: Create seamless content mobility for users that require on-the-go experiences. Ensure easy synchronization across devices and without user intervention.

Open: Drive open content delivery platforms to optimize content and revenue exploitation, and to create optimum business flexibility and network cost-efficiency. Position open capabilities to bolster digital content protection with consumer flexibility, and for plug-and-play business upgrades necessary in the fast-changing marketplace.

Re-organize: Assess business assets against future requirements. Identify core competencies needed for future competitive advantage. Isolate non-core business components for outsourcing or partnership. From an external perspective, reconfigure business to exploit market and financial levers to buy, build or team to future competitiveness.


CES rocketboomed

Generation: X — Nikolaus Reinelt @ 18:27

Rocketboom bringts auf den Punkt.
CES hightec attack on a short cut!

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