Business Webs in IPTV

Broadcast,Interactive,Knowledge,Studies — Nikolaus Reinelt @ 15:23

Lately i found a decent approach to conceptualize business logics, that lay within TV over IP solutions. Munich´s university LMU is researching with their project intermedia in this realm. They´re approaching the convergence topic with an interdisciplinary team from economics, communication and computer sciences. Particularly interesting for me is the economic and organizational perspective, namely represented by Prof. Picot, who is well renonwed for his work in information technologies impact on organizational structure (note for example his last book on virtual cooperations.)

Business web of MSTV TV over IP solution (Intermedia LMU Munich 2005)

In this illustration, the grade of stickyness to the technical IPTV solution in the regard of being a core business or strength is been descriped as shaper>adaptors (inner/outer) and independent adaptors (affiliates).
Opposite to the MS business web, Cisco’s efforts to build an propriatary network looks like this.


Business web of Cisco’s TV over IP solution (Intermedia LMU Munich 2005)

For more on MSTV’s strategy and their ‘ecosystem’ see this article (german).
Complete, very clear and comprehensive presentation can be found here.

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